Video Blog

VIDEO 8-Yükümlü Kayıt Takip Sistemi Nedir-X

What is Common Transit Procedure?

Common Transit Procedure is a procedure applied on the commodity transport which is within the context of...

VIDEO 10 - İhracatta Katma Değer Vergisi İstinası Nedir-X

What is a Value Added Tax Exemption for Export?

Pursuant to Articles 11/1-a of the VAT Law numbered 3065 export deliveries and services are exempt from...

VIDEO 9-Bağlayıcı Tarife Nedir - X

What is a Binding Tariff Information?

People may receive binding tariff information to be used in import and export formalities through Turkish Customs....

VIDEO 8-Yükümlü Kayıt Takip Sistemi Nedir-X

What is the Taxpayer Record and Monitoring System?

The Taxpayer Record and Monitoring System is an application for electronic monitoring and inspecting of data belonging...


What is an Export Refund Support?

An Export Refund Support is a payment made through the support and price stability fund to exporters...

What is Transit Regime?

Transit Regime is a regime which is applied to transport of the goods which are not subject to Import Taxes and Trade Policy, which have not entered into free circulation, whose customs procedures related to export have not been completed, from a point within Turkish Customs Zone to another under the supervision of Customs.

Customs directorates permits the goods subject to transit regime to be transported within Turkish Customs Zone, from a foreign country to another, from a foreign country to Turkey, from Turkey to a foreign country, from an internal customs directorate to another.

Transport of the goods subject to transit regime in Turkish Customs Zone is carried out; within the scope of Transit Regime, within the scope of TIR carnet, within the scope of ATA carnet, which is used as transit zone, within the scope of form 302 between NATO countries, via postal route including postal boxes, within the scope of CIM transport certificate in railway transport, within the scope of Cargo manifest in airway and seaway transport.

It is obligatory to give security to enable customs taxes that may accrue for transit goods to be paid.

However, security is not requested except for transport carried out via airway, pipelines, railway, seaway and conditions determined with the legislation.